an artistic image that contains blocks of colored squares vaguely resembling and overhead view of rural landscape

📣 I am recruiting PhD students for Fall 2025 (deadline is in December 2024). While I am updating material for this admissions cycle, you can view my lab philosophy in this past year’s call.

I am an Associate Professor of Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, and director of the CU Information Visions Lab (website soon!).

Before CU, I was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Bucknell University, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tufts University with Robert Jacob, and worked (during a recent sabbatical) as a Visiting Scientist at MIT with Arvind Satyanarayan.

Students: In Fall 2024, I will be teaching INFO 4602: Information Visualization. We will meet MWF at 10:10am in Eaton 1B90.

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