- Oct: Attending Mozilla’s Responsible Computing Summit at Harvard University.
- Oct: Gave talk at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research): Good for Scientists, Bad for Society: What happens when our charts don’t change minds?
- Oct: Gave guest lecture at Colorado College on thinking about the sociopolitical role of visualization.
- Aug: After completing my move to CU Boulder, I was officially awarded tenure in the department of Information Science. And they give us a tenure medal!
- Apr: 🏆 “Who do we mean when we talk about visualization novices?” (with Alyx Burns, Christiana Lee, Ria Chawla, and Narges Mahyar) was given a Best Paper award at ACM CHI 2023! You can read the preprint here or watch a presentation video.
- Mar: I spoke at Stanford University’s 2023 Embedded EthiCS Conference on Strategies for Teaching Responsible Computing within the Computer Science Curriculum. The recordings are live and there were many wonderful speakers. Check it out!
- Feb: I gave a (virtual) talk at the University of Calgary Interactions Lab - “Reimagining data visualization to reflect who we already are”
- Jan: I joined the program committee for the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT)
- Jan: 🎉 In collaboration with Alyx Burns, Christiana Lee, Ria Chawla, and Narges Mahyar, our paper “Who do we mean when we talk about visualization novices?” was conditionally accepted to ACM CHI 2023. More details soon!
- Dec: 🎉 In collaboration with Alyx Burns, Cindy Xiong, Narges Mahyar, and other wonderful folk at UMass Amherst, our paper “From Invisible to Visible: Impacts of Metadata in Communicative Data Visualization” was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
- Dec: Using an internal grant to support interdisciplinary collaboration, I’m co-organizing a design exhibition and celebration day that spans courses in all 3 colleges at Bucknell - my Human-Computer Interaction course (in CS through Engineering), Prof. Eddy Lopez’s Graphic Design course (in Art through Arts & Sciences), and Prof. Gabriela Diego’s Design Realization course (in MIDE through Management)
- Nov: I accepted an invitation to be a panelist at the Stanford University’s 2023 Embedded EthiCS Conference on Strategies for Teaching Responsible Computing within the Computer Science Curriculum. More details later!
- Nov/Dec: It is reviewing season for the Selection Committee for the Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers award. It is my 3rd year serving on the committee.
- Oct: I co-organized Bucknell’s first Aspiring PUI Faculty Workshop, inviting 7 PhD and post-docs from across the country to reflect on faculty opportunities at undergraduate institutions. We are hoping to expand next year!
- Oct: It was wonderful to see the 2nd workshop on Visualization for Social Good this year at IEEE Vis. As I’ve shifted into a steering committee role, the credit really goes to the organizers - Leilani Battle, Michelle Borkin, Emily Wall, Lane Harrison, and Narges Mahyar
- Sep/Oct/Dec: Our Bucknell learning community - STEM (In)Justice: Inside and Outside the Curriculum - is holding bi-weekly meetings to critically examine STEM’s courses, curricula, practices, and pedagogy. I am co-facilitating with Deepak Iyer (Physics + Astronomy), Amal Kabalan (Electrical + Comp Eng), Elif Miskioğlu (Chem Eng), Darakhshan Mir (CS), and Deborah Sills (Civil Eng)
- Sep: I survived another ACM CHI submission deadline, 🤞 on submitted work.
- Sep: I joined the Steering Commmittee of Bucknell’s Grand Challenges Scholars Program, which requires students to work on one or more grand societal challenges through a series of high-engagement activities (resaerch, service learning, etc.).
- Aug: For the 2022-23 academic year, I am co-chairing Bucknell University’s Committee on Instruction (COI) - Bucknell’s governance mechanism for recommending university-wide policies on instructional programs across the university’s three colleges.
- Aug: I wrapped up a wonderful year-long sabbatical as a Visiting Scientist at MIT with Arvind Satyanarayan and the MIT Visualization Group.
- July: I am helping pilot a new workshop at Bucknell - Aspiring PUI Faculty Workshop. This October, we’ll host late-stage PhD students and post docs at Bucknell in order to help expose them to and prepare them for faculty positions at primarily-undergaduate instituions (PUIs). Consider applying here!
- July: 📣 A new year and a new design for https://cs-pui.github.io/. CS-PUI is a website that I created to help advertise CS faculty positions at primarily-undergraduate institutions (PUIs) - it’s now live for the 2022-2023 hiring cycle! We crossed 10,000 hits last year, and I’m excited to see it continue to grow this year!
- July: A long overdue redesign of my website is finally complete (this one!): https://evanpeck.github.io/. I wrote plenty of custom javascript code to translate JSON publication-info to a prettier website format - feel free to ping me if you’re interested in how it works.
- June: I joined the BELIV 2022 program committee. This year’s workshop focuses on Designing and Evaluating Visualizations for an Ethical, Inclusive, and Responsible Future
- May: I co-authored a book chapter with Iris Howley and Darakhshan Mir for The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges, and Debates by Routledge - Integrating AI Ethics Across the Computing Curriculum. It's now off to the presses!
- May: Our Bucknell learning community proposal - STEM (In)Justice: Inside and Outside the Curriculum - was approved for 2022-23. I am co-facilitating bi-weekly meetings with Deepak Iyer (Physics + Astronomy), Amal Kabalan (Electrical + Comp Eng), Elif Miskioğlu (Chem Eng), Darakhshan Mir (CS), and Deborah Sills (Civil Eng) to critically examine STEM’s courses, curricula, practices, and pedagogy.
- May: My internal proposal with Eddy López (Art + Art History) was funded for Fall 2022 - Parallel Courses for Interdisciplinary Engagement. The grant will support engineering/art speakers + collaborations between my Human-Computer Interaction course and Eddy’s Graphic Design course.
- April: Our workshop on Visualization for Social Good was accepted to IEEE VIS 2022 with a theme of pedagogy, processs, and protest. This year, I’ll be stepping back from the organizing committee to a steering committee.
- April: I participated in a panel about social and ethical responsibilities in UI - hosted by the UI/UX@MIT student group.
- April: A successful submission to IEEE VIS + plenty of papers to review.
- March: Congratulations to my wonderful undergraduate researchers - past and present! Sami Wurm (‘22) decided she will attend Stanford’s Music, Science, and Tech Masters program next year. Reva Sharma’s (‘25) successful Program for Undergraduate Research proposal and Jaehoon Pyon’s (‘23) successful Costa Healthcare Research and Design Fund proposal means they will both work with me for summer research at Bucknell this year!
- March: My EngageCSEedu paper - 1-Hour Collaborative Learning Activity for Responsible Human-AI Design - was presented at a special session at SIGCSE 2022. See the talk here
- Dec: Along with colleagues in CS/sociology/philosophy, I created a new resource for integrating ethics/responsibility into existing CS curriculum. We curated 40+ responsible CS modules, grouped them by topic/class, and provided guides to support instructors interested in adopting them. This work was funded by Mozilla and led by Marty Wolf and Colleen Greer.
- Dec: My paper - 1-Hour Collaborative Learning Activity for Responsible Human-AI Design - was accepted to a special issue of ACM EngageCSEdu that focuses on Human-Computer Interaction educational resources. More details soon!
- Nov:I wrote an article about the hiring practices in CS departments at undergraduate institutions, and how their early timelines + offers hurt both candidates and departments. See the conversation on Twitter here.
- Nov: The vis4good workshop I co-organized received a nice call-out as one of the highlights of IEEE VIS in article from Nightingale: Journal of the Data Visualization Society .
- Nov: Visited with Harvard HCI as part of their Tea with Interesting People series - we talked about data visualization with communities, embedding ethics in CS, and research with undergraduate students.
- Oct: My work integrating ethics into CS 1 courses is featured in this Broadening the Circle article by Bucknell Magazine.
- Oct: Co-organized our 3rd Visualization for Social Good event - a workshop at IEEE VIS 2021.
- Oct: It's reviewing season for the Computing Research Association's Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Awards. I'm serving on the selection committee for 2021.
- Sep: Guest lectured in MIT's 6.170 Software Studio course on "Responsible UI Design" - touching on dark UI patterns, guidelines for human-ai interaction, and tactics of soft resistance by UX professionals.
- Sep: Gave a talk in MIT CSAIL's HCI Seminar Series - "Why won't people listen to data?"
- Sep: I begin a 1-year run as Visiting Scientist at MIT CSAIL's Visualization Group with Arvind Satyanarayan
- Aug: Concluded my time serving on the ACM SIGCHI Research Ethics Committee
- Aug: Michelle Kuchera (Davidson) and I ran a 1-day workshop for the PICUP (Patnership for Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics) capstone conference on Lessons from computer science pedagogy
- Aug: I launched an updated website for the 2021/2022 hiring season that curates CS Faculty Job Ads for undergraduate institutions: https://cs-pui.github.io/. See this twitter thread for its announcement and updates.
- Aug: Undergraduate research wraps up for my two fantastic students this year - Khanh Pham ('22) and Taylor Birch ('23). Both were named Clare Boothe Luce Research Scholars at Bucknell
- Jul: I gave a lightning talk about our responsible computing CS 1 course at Bucknell at Mozilla's Teaching Responsible Computing Summit 2021
- Jul: The deadline for submissions to our Visualization for Social Good Workshop to be held at IEEE VIS
- Jul: I launched a redesigned website sharing Responsible Computing Modules for CS 1 courses. See this twitter thread for its announcement and description.
- Jun: Led by Marty Wolf and Colleen Greer at Bemidji State, I joined an interdisciplinary team of philosophers, computer scientists, and social scientists as part of a "Responsible Computing" expert panel. Our work (funded through The Responsible Computing Challenge) seeks to align existing responsible computing modules with CS curriculum.
- Jun: The Urban Institute's "Do No Harm Guide: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization" (by Jonathan Schwabish and Alice Feng) is released. I was interviewed during the development of the guide and our Data is Personal work is featured througout the document.
February 2020 - May 2021
I did not record my activity during this period (pandemic-related)
- Nov: My Ethical Engine activity for CS 1 was highlighted in Janet Davis' Chronicle of Higer Ed article on 5 Ways to Welcome Women to Computer Science
- Nov: I ran a webinar as part of the Bucknell 360 program. The video of presentation talk - The Data that Drives our Lives - is now freely available
- Oct: Our Visualization for Social Good tutorial launched for the first time at IEEE VIS 2019. I gave a snaptalk on Barriers to Vis for Good: 10 reasons why your perfectly designe data visualization fails
- Oct: I gave the keynote address at Penn State's Digital Fluency Symposium. I spoke about the people who risk going unseen by data vis designers and why our CS courses often contribute to developing creators that don't consider communities & cultures
- Sep: Our redesigned Intro CS course (with a renewed focus on ethical reflection) is in full swing. You can follow along at ethicalcs.github.io
- Sep: Joined the SIGCHI Research Ethics Committe- an appointed committee that facilitates community conversations about ethical issues, and reviews SIGCHI policies and procedures relevant to ethics.
- Aug: My two recent posts on teaching - The Fear of Publicly Not Knowing and What I want you to know about me as your professor - have been read over 12,000 times.
- July: I appeared on the Data Stories podcast to talk about the "Data is Personal" project with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner
- May: My work on data in rural America was featured in a blog post by Dr. Andrew Gelman (Columbia): "Data is Personal" and the maturing of the literature on statistical graphics
- May: Visualization for Social Good - a tutorial alongside Leilani Battle (UMD), Michelle Borkin (Northeastern), Michael Correll (Tableau), and Lane Harrison (WPI) - was accepted to run at IEEE VIS in Vancouver (Oct 2019).
- May: A post about our CHI Best Paper - Data is Personal. What We Learned from 42 Interviews in Rural America - is featured in Multiple Views (Visualization Research Explained)
- Apr: Two of my undergraduate students are off to grad school! Zilin Ma ('19) will pursue a Ph.D. at Harvard University alongside Krzysztof Gajos. Nicholas Simons ('18) will pursue a Masters of HCI at Carnegie Mellon's prestigious Human-Computer Interaction Institute.
- Apr: Together with Alvitta Ottley (Wash U in St. Louis), Aleksandra Kaszowska (Tufts U), and R. Jordan Crouser (Smith College), our paper - The Curious Case of Combining Text and Visualization - was accepted as a short paper to EuroVis 2019.
- Mar: Our ACM CHI 2019 paper on data visualization in rural Pennsylvania was given a Best Paper Award!
- Mar: Two of my students - Gabbi LaBorwit ('20) and Sofia Ayuso ('21) - received ACM-W Scholarships to attend ACM CHI 2019.
- Mar: Received a Bucknell Curricular and Instructional Development grant to redesign our department's CS 1 course, reoriented towards design, creativity, and societal impact.
- Feb: I was quoted in The Nation's article on ethics in technology: Fixing Tech's Ethics Problems Starts in the Classroom
- Feb: Co-lead workshop at SIGCSE 2019 - Make and Take an Ethics Module: Ethics Across the CS Curriculum
- Feb: Served as a judge for the Responsible Computer Science Challenge - a 3.5 million dollar initiative to embed ethics in to Computer Science curriculum.
- Jan: Teaching CSCI 379: Human-Computer Interaction and CSCI 187: Creative Computing and Society
- Dec: My paper with 2 Bucknell undergraduates - Omar El-Etr ('19) and Sofia Ayuso ('21) - was conditionally accepted to ACM CHI 2019! We'll be traveling to Glasgow in May to present "Data is Personal: Attitudes and Perceptions of Data Visualization in Rural Pennsylvania"
- Nov: I attended Creative Coding Fest in NYC and co-led a session on designing ethical CS modules with Saber Khan
- Oct: Article in IEEE Pervasive Computing with Orit Shaer (Wellesley) is available: Teaching Pervasive Computing in Liberal Arts Colleges
- Oct: I launched ethicalcs.github.io - a resource for practice-based ethical CS activities in CS 1 courses.
- Oct: Workshop proposal with Janet Davis (Whitman), Iris Howley (Williams), Darakhshan Mir (Bucknell), and Deborah Tatar (Virginia Tech) accepted to SIGCSE 2019 - Make and Take an Ethics Module: Ethics Across the CS Curriculum
- Oct: Workshop paper with Desmond Dinkins (Bucknell), Gia Hayes (Bucknell), Darakhshan Mir (Bucknell), Dylan Rogers (Bucknell), and Jennifer Silva (Bucknell) accepted to CSCW's Networked Privacy workshop - Using Participatory Approaches to Uncover Privacy Norms with Marginalized Communities
- Sep: My research with student Sofia Ayuso ('21) is featured by Bucknell.
- Jul: Paper with Mi Feng (WPI) and Lane Harrison (WPI) is accepted to IEEE VIS 2018: Patterns and Pace: Quantifying Diverse Exploration Behavior with Visualizations on the Web. More details soon!
- Jun: Our ACM CHI 2017 paper on privacy will be presented as a poster at SOUPS 2018.
- May: Talked about Ethical CS on the Floating Points CS education podcast. Invited to participate in #ethicalCS Twitter edchat hosted by Saber Khan.
- Apr: Attended CHI 2018. Along with collaborators from 3 other institutions, we presented 2 workshop papers and 1 full paper.
- Apr: My article on incorporating an ethical hiring exercise into CS 1 led to a couple of my ethical design modules being built into Mimir - a CS classroom platform that serves over 70 universities.
- Apr: Received a BGRI Stage II grant alongside Brian King (Bucknell) and Vanessa Troiani (Geisinger ADMI). We will be hiring a post-bacc research student to work full-time on our project: Using Large-Scale Eye Tracking Studies to Improve Health Care
- Mar: Another workshop paper accepted to ACM CHI 2018! Co-authored with Lane Harrison (WPI) Empowering Sensemaking in the Web's Emerging Visualization Ecosystem will appear in Sensemaking in a Senseless World.
- Mar: Workshop paper accepted to ACM CHI 2018. Co-authored with Madeline Smith (Colgate) and Michael Stewart (JMU), HCI for PUI: Human-Computer Interaction for Primarily-Undergraduate Institutions will appear in Developing a Community of Practice to Support Global HCI Education.
- Feb: Attended SIGCSE 2018 in Baltimore to lead a discussion on the ways in which we can do a better job empowering undergraduates through research
- Jan: This semester I am teaching CSCI 203: Intro to CS 1 and CSCI 187: Creativity, Computing, and the Social Good - a CS course for non-STEM majors.
- Dec: Paper with Mi Feng (WPI), Cheng Deng (WPI), and Lane Harrison (WPI) is accepted to CHI 2018: The Effects of Adding Search Functionality to Interactive Visualizations on the Web.
- Nov: Our BoF with Farzana Rahman (FIU), Shameem Ahmed (WWU), Perry Fizzano(WWU), and Stu Thompson (Bucknell) was accepted to SIGCSE 2018. We'll be discussing How to Build a Student-Centered Research Culture for the Benefit of Undergraduate Students.
- Nov: My Human-Computer Interaction course is featured by Bucknell in its 'Cool Classes' series.
- Oct: Mi Feng (WPI) presents our poster at IEEE VIS - The Impact of Text-Based Search in Interactive Data Visualizations on the Web
- Sep: Launched Bucknell HCI publication on Medium - a place to highlight student HCI work, demos, research projects, and any other combination of people + tech.
- Sep: Another ACM CHI deadline in the books. Proud of all my collaborators for the long hours put into our submissions.
- Aug: My fourth year at Bucknell begins. This fall, I'm teaching CSCI 379: Human-Computer Interaction and CSCI 479: Computer Science Design Project
- Aug: I was featured on the Changing Academic Life podcast by Geraldine Fitzpatrick - Evan Peck on making choices, accepting trade-offs, and liberal arts as a great middle way
- Jul: Poster with Mi Feng, Cheng Deng, and Lane Harrison (WPI) accepted to VIS 2017
- Jul: Ethical Programming Project designed in collaboration with Gabbi LaBorwit ('20) is made public in this post. The goal is to integrate ethical thinking into Intro to CS courses. Feel free to contribute to our public GitHub repo.
- Jun: My privacy research with Brooke, Stephanie, and Darakhshan Mir is featured on Bucknell's homepage: "Student Researchers Ask How Secure We Feel About Internet Security"
- May: Attended Bucknell's Digital Pedagogy Institute and workshop on Anthracite Coal Region Engagement - Developing Community Partnerships for Course Projects
- May: Attended ACM CHI 2017 in Denver! I participated in the CHI career symposium, Jordan Sechler ('19) presented our late-breaking work, and Brooke Bullek ('18) and Stephanie Garboski ('18) presented our CHI Note. Photos of their presentations.
- May: My first group of research students from Summer 2015 are graduating and off to do great things! Nadeem Nasimi and Devon Wasson are going to Amazon Robotics, Elliot Radsliff will be working for IBM, and Xiayoing Pu will begin her Ph.D. in HCI/Vis under Matthew Kay at University of Michigan.
- Apr: Brooke Bullek ('18) wins a national award for her great work! - Scholarship for Women Studying Information Security. Brooke's research has been co-mentored by Darakhshan Mir and myself.
- Apr: Talks at Bucknell's Faculty Colloquium and Hope College's Computer Science Colloquium
- Mar: Created the HCI in PUI group - an email list for HCI professors at primarily undergraduate institutions to connect. Please email me if you'd like an invitation!
- Mar: "Student-designed Computer System Could Lead to Safer Surgery" - a nice feature on Bucknell's homepage about a project I've recently jumped on with my awesome colleage - Philip Asare.
- Mar: Attended the 2017 NSF CISE CAREER Workshop in Arlington, VA.
- Mar: Together with Dr. Vanessa Troiani (Geisinger's Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute), received a grant through the Bucknell Geisinger Research Initiative (BGRI) to explore eye tracking with low-cost webcams for autism research.
- Mar: Congratulations to Khai Nguyen ('18) and Omar El-Etr ('19) on their successful grants through the Program for Undergraduate Research. Khai and Omar will be working with me this summer on projects related to eye-tracking and data visualization.
- Mar: I wrote a reflection on how I ended up at Bucknell - about academic misconceptions, happiness, and the job market.
- Feb: Late-Breaking Work Paper with Jordan Sechler ('19) and Lane Harrison (WPI) accepted to CHI 2017! Our poster - SightLine: Building on the Web's Visualization Ecosystem - will be presented in Denver in May. More info soon.
- Dec: With the conclusion of another successful semester, I am on leave for Spring 2017.
- Dec: Paper with Brooke Bullek ('18), Stephanie Garboski ('18), and Darakhshan Mir accepted to CHI 2017! - Towards Understanding Differential Privacy: When Do People Trust Randomized Response Technique? More info soon!
- Oct: Our IEEE VIS paper is presented in Baltimore, MD. Read our Medium post about HindSight or visit our HindSight website with data, and interactive examples.
- Oct: With the birth of our wonderful daughter, Nora, I'm on paternity leave until mid-November.
- Oct: Plenty of reviewing for TEI 2017 and CHI 2017.
- Sep: Couldn't be more proud of my students and collaborators for our submissions to CHI 2017. Stay tuned for updates in December!
- Aug: The start of my third year at Bucknell. This semester I'm leading the Introduction to Computer Science course.
- Jul: Launched Sightline - a data visualization discovery and collection platform. Built by Bucknell student Jordan Sechler ('19). Read more about our project in this blog post.
- Jul: Five of my Bucknell research students presented at the Susquehanna Valley Undergraduate Research Symposium - Brooke Bullek ('18), Mike DiDomenico ('18), Stephanie Garboski ('18), Lucas Nicolois ('18), and Jordan Sechler ('19). Brooke and Stephanie's work on human-centered differential privacy alongside me and Darakhshan Mir was recognized for the most outstanding abstract in Natural Sciences and Engineering
- Jul: Paper alongside collaborators at WPI accepted to IEEE VIS 2016 - HindSight: Encouraging Exploration through Direct Encoding of Personal Interaction History.
- Jul: Joint application with Darakhshan Mir to CRA's Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU) program was funded to support two Bucknell students - Stephanie Garboski and Brooke Bullek during the 2016-17 academic year.
Jun: Spoke at the Visual Analytics mini-symposium at SIAM's annual meeting in July (Boston). Talk title: Do You See What I See?: An HCI Perspective on Evaluation in Visualization.
- Jun: Received course development grant from KEEN at Bucknell for CSCI 203 in Fall 2016. I will be integrating the explanatory power of storytelling into a new "Concept Videos" project.
- Jun: Joined the Program Committee for the papers track of SIGCHI conference on Tangible, Embodied, and Embedded Interaction (TEI 2017)
- May: Completed year two at Bucknell and the first HCI course ever at Bucknell. Check out the HCI projects from students this semester: ParkMe, Clique, Bookworm, Bison Ordering Service (BOS), B-INvolved, and #Swap
- May: Went to San Jose for CHI 2016. ACM CHI Best Paper Award (Top %1 of submitted papers) given to work with Beste Yuksel! Our system uses brain sensing as input to an adaptive learning interface for the piano. li>Apr: Elected to university Committee on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
- Apr: Spring conference season!: reviewing papers for RO-MAN, ACM UIST, PhyCS, and IEEE VIS
- Apr: Released a visual + audio experience to communicate the increased frequency of mass shootings in the United States over the last 15 years: 15 Years of Mass Shootings in America
- Mar: Congratulations to Uttam Kumaran ('18) for receiving the Reed-Garman Award! I will be advising Uttam during the summer as he works on his productivity startup - Take a five (check it out!).
- Mar: Congratulations to Mike DiDomenico ('18) and Jordan Sechler ('19) on their successful grants through the Program for Undergraduate Research. Mike and Jordan will be working with me this summer on projects related to physiological computing and data visualization.
- Feb: Article from Fast Company about our BAch system - This Brain-Reading Tool Can Teach You A New Skill in No Time
- Feb: Our BAch paper was featured by New Scientist - Mind-reading tech helps beginners quickly learn to play Bach
- Feb: ACM CHI Best Paper Award (Top %1 of submitted papers) given to work with Beste Yuksel! Our system uses brain sensing as input to an adaptive learning interface for the piano.
- Jan: Workshop paper with R. Jordan Crouser, Daniel Afergan, and Lane Harrison accepted to ACM IUI 2016, Workshop on Emotion and Visualization - "Beyond Detection: Investing in Practical and Theoretical Applications of Emotion and Visualization"
- Jan: Classes begin! This semester I'm teaching Introduction to Computer Science I and the new Human-Computer Interaction course
- Jan: Joined the Program Committee for PhyCS 2016: International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems. This year's conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. July 27-28.
- Jan: Joined as Engineering representative on The Bucknell Arts Council.
- Jan: Attended KEEN Winter Conference in Tempe, Arizona.
- Dec: Paper with Beste Yuksel was accepted to ACM CHI 2016 - "Learn Piano with BACh: An Adaptive Learning Interface that Adjusts Task Difficulty based on Brain State"
- Dec: Sent out application for undergraduate research with me in Summer 2016. Email me if you're interested.
- Dec: Awesome student presentations in Software Engineering - Bomberman, Mario, Risk, Monopoly, Poker, and more!
- Nov: Review season: IEEE Pervasive Computing, ACM CHI, UMUAI
- Nov: Guest lecture in NEURO 100 at Bucknell: Using Brain Sensors to Redefine our Relationship with Technology
- Oct: Attended IEEE VIS in Chicago. We presented our paper on Vis + Bayesian Reasoning!
- Oct: My IEEE Computer article is available! - Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems
- Oct: Judge for preliminary round of BizPitch '15
- Sep: Brought 3 students - Khoi Le ('18), Khai Nguyen ('18), Son Pham ('17) - to Hacking Arts 2015 at the MIT Media Lab.
- Sep: Classes begin. Teaching CSCI 204 and CSCI 205 this semester.
- Aug: Quoted in mic.com article about using brain sensing to tune out distractions.
- Aug: Xiaoying Pu ('17) gives a presentation on Improving Decision-Making via Wearable Biosensors at the Susquehanna Valley Undergraduate Research Symposium (SVUR). Out of ~100 submissions, her work with Elliot Radsliff ('17) was awarded one of four presentation slots, and given the highest score in the Natural Science and Engineering category.
- Jul: Received course development grant from KEEN at Bucknell for my Human-Computer Interaction course in Spring 2016. I'll be using the grant to help students explore the next generation of interaction with their computers - smartwatches, kinects, eye-trackers, leap motions, and body sensors!
- Jul: Spoke on panel for Bucknell's Institute for Leadership in Technology and Management (ILTM) about current and future trends in technology.
- Jul: Attended KEEN development workshop about implementing "entrepreneurial minded learning" activities into courses.
- Jun: Paper with Alvitta Ottley accepted to IEEE InfoVis: "Improving Bayesian Reasoning: The Effects of Phrasing, Visualization, and Spatial Ability"
- May: Short paper with 3 Bucknell students (Eleanor Easse ('15), Nick Marshall ('15), and William Stratton ('15)) accepted to EICS: ACM SIGCHI's Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems - "FlyLoop: A Micro Framework for Rapid Development of Physiological Computer Systems"
- May: Completed CSCI 203 and 204 - and my first academic year at Bucknell!
- Apr: Reestablished Bucknell CS's presence on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter here!
- Apr: Gave talk as part of Bucknell ACM's bi-weekly lecture series: "Our New Collaborators: Using Brain Sensors to Redefine our Relationship with Technology" (pic)
- Apr: Quoted in New Scientist article on 'human cruise control app'
- Apr: Paper with Beste Filiz Yuksel accepted to New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME): "BRAAHMS: A Novel Adaptive Musical Interface Based on Users' Cognitive State"
- Mar: Congratulations to Devon Wasson for receiving a 2015 Reed-Garman Award for entrepreneurially-minded ideas. I will be advising Devon this summer on his project.
- Mar: Received a nice spotlight in the Tufts University Computer Science Newsletter.
- Mar: Organizer of Bucknell Innovates: The Great Outdoors, a 24-hour hackathon/design competition with Gilson Boards and Playworld Systems. Sign up before Wednesday to reserve a spot (space is very limited)!
- Mar: Joined Program Committee for Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (aBCI) at ACII. Papers due June 5.
- Mar: Congratulations to Nadeem Nasimi and Xiaoying Pu for successful proposals in Bucknell's very competitive Program for Undergraduate Research. Both will be fully funded to work with me this summer!
- Feb: Joined Program Committee for EWAD 2015
- Feb: Travelled through the internet to GI's Virtual PC Meeting. Congrats to all the accepted papers!
- Jan: Teaching CSCI 203 and CSCI 204 Spring Semester
- Jan: Attended NETI workshop in Austin TX [ 2014 ]
- Dec: Wrapped up first semester teaching. Off to CO for the holidays.
- Nov: It's review season! Reviewing for ACM CHI, ACM IUI, ACM TiiS, and PhyCS
- Oct: Article with Erin Solovey accepted to ACM TOCHI: "Designing Implicit Interfaces for Physiological Computing: Guidelines and Lessons Learned with fNIRS"
- Oct: Paper with Beste Filiz Yuksel accepted to SPIE BiOS: "Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces"
- Oct: Joined the HCI Program Committee for Graphics Interface 2015
- Sep: Joined Engineering Curriculum Committee (ECC) at Bucknell
- Sep: Began teaching at Bucknell: Intro to CS I and Intro to CS II
- Aug: Poster with Tomoki Shibata accepted to UIST 2014: "Building Implicit Interfaces for Wearable Computers with Physiological Inputs: Zero Shutter Camera and Phylter"
- Aug: Move to Lewisburg, PA to set up my new Bucknell home.
- June: Successfully defended thesis: "Designing BCIs for Intelligent Information Delivery Systems" <!– - May: Review for NordiCHI
- May: Full paper "Brain-Based Target Expansion" with Dan Afergan accepted to UIST 2014
- Apr: New book chapter in "Advances of Physiological Computing"
- Apr: Attended CHI 2014 in Toronto, CA.
- Apr: Accepted offer to join the CS department at Bucknell University!
- Feb/March: Traveling for faculty interviews
- Feb: CHI 2014 paper received Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (top 5 percent)
- Feb: Review for TOCHI
- Jan: Review for GI 2014
- Jan: Review for EICS 2014
- Jan: Prepare journal submission
- Dec: Work with Dan Afergan featured in New Scientist
- Dec: Paper with Dan Afergan accepted to CHI 2014!
- Nov: Prepare job application
- Nov: Demos for film crews visiting the lab
- Oct: Review CHI papers
- Sept: Review PhyCS papers
- Sept: Survived year 1 as a parent :)
- Sept: CHI 2014 submissions
- Aug: Reviewer for TEI
- July: Finalize fNIRS book chapter
- Jun/July/Aug: Research intern at Adobe Creative Technologies Lab
- Apr/May: 1 full paper, 2 workshop papers at CHI 2013
- Apr/May: Reviewer for UIST 2013
- Apr/May: Reviewer for InfoVis 2013
- Apr: Submitted grant proposal
- Apr: Revised fNIRS book chapter
- Apr: Joined Program Committee for PhyCS 2014
- Mar: Reviewer for NeuroImage
- Mar: Stuttgart to present at Augmented Human
- Mar: Article about our work in Discovery News
- Feb: Work featured in ACM TechNews
- Feb: Article about our work in New Scientist
- Feb: 2 workshop papers accepted to CHI 2013
- Feb: Paper accepted at Augmented Human 2013!
- Feb: Reviewer for EICS
- Jan: Paper sent to CHI Workshop
- Jan: Reviewer for CHI WIP
- Dec: Paper accepted at CHI 2013!
- Nov: Accepted as SV for CHI 2013
- Nov: Reviewer for CHI 2013
- Oct: Position paper presented at BELIV 2012 –>