đź“Ł I am recruiting PhD students to the Information Visions Lab for Fall 2025 (deadline is December 1, 2024). If you are interested you can learn more about our lab and whether you should apply here.
I am an Associate Professor of Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, and director of the CU Information Visions Lab (website soon!).
- đź“Š My research group focuses on the opportunities and barriers of public data communication, believing that our engagement, trust, and understanding of data is a critical societal challenge. My work is situated within the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization.
- 🧑‍💻 As an advocate for undergraduate computing education, I also publish pedagogical interventions that integrate social responsibility into core computing curriculum, and serve on the Computer Research Association’s Education (CRA-E) Board of Directors.
Before CU, I was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Bucknell University, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tufts University with Robert Jacob, and worked (during a recent sabbatical) as a Visiting Scientist at MIT with Arvind Satyanarayan.
Students: In Spring 2025, I will be teaching INFO 4602: Information Visualization. We will meet MWF at 10:10am in the Continuing Education Center.
Explore my work
Recent News (see older news)
- Dec: Featured on the Changing Academic Life podcast: Evan Peck on considered choices and career moves: from liberal arts to a research uni
- Dec: Served on the selection committee for CRA’s Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards
- Nov: Gave a guest talk at the Colorado School of Mines CS Seminar: Good for Scientists, Bad for Society: Why won’t data change our minds?
- Oct: Travelled to Salt Lake City to join the University of Utah for IEEE VIS, and host a virtual Visualization for Social Good meetup.
- Sep: A quick trip to Washington, DC where I participated in the keynote panel about AI + Ethics + Engineering Education for the 2024 NSF EEC Grantees Conference.
- Aug: Big welcome to the first graduate students in the Information Visions Lab, my new research group - Frida Mudsam (Ph.D.) and Adam Illig (MS). More detail soon!
- Aug: Started a new role as Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies in CU Boulder’s Information Science Department.
- Jul: 🎉 Co-authored paper lead by Dylan Wootton (MIT) was accepted to IEEE VIS. Charting EDA: Characterizing Interactive Visualization Use in Computational Notebooks with a Mixed-Methods Formalism. Co-authors: Dylan Wootton (MIT), Amy Rae Fox (MIT), and Arvind Satyanarayan (MIT)
- Jul: 🎉 Co-authored poster lead by Akim Ndlovu (WPI) was accepted to IEEE VIS. SurpiseSync: Visual Exploration for De-biased Choropleth Maps. Co-authors: Akim Ndlovu (WPI), Hilson Shrestha (WPI), and Lane Harrison (WPI)
- May/June: Joined the Board of Directors for CRA-E (Computing Research Association - Education). Traveled to Chicago for annual Board meeting.
- Apr: Joined the Journal of Visualization and Interaction (JoVI) as an Associate Editor.
- Apr: Visited Harvey Mudd College and Pomona College to give a seminar talk on public data visualization and commmunication.
- Mar: CU’s CMCI Now Magazine wrote a feature on my work: #TechEthics
- Jan: Launched the Just Tech Fellows program at CU for SP24 - a multi-disciplinary + mult-institution collection of undergraduate students + faculty that work at the intersection of tech + society.
- Dec: Our ACM CHI 2024 workshop proposal Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Visualization Literacy was accepted! I’m excited to co-organize with an outstanding group of faculty.
- Nov: Along with colleagues at Bucknell University, I am a co-PI for a new grant via Mozilla’s Responsible Computing Challenge. In this interdisciplinary, multi-institution collaboration, we’ll create a Just Computing Fellows program and look to reimagine data visualization education at CU Boulder.