an artistic image that contains blocks of colored squares vaguely resembling and overhead view of rural landscape

Student FAQ

For Students: I’m using this space to consolidate questions that I frequently answer for students.

Can we meet?

Of course! One of the benefits of being a student at Bucknell is that you have access to your professors. Too many students are hesitant to reach out because they think it’s a topic I don’t have time for. You’re wrong! While I can’t promise that I’ll always have time to meet about every topic, I often do… it’s one of the primary reasons I became (and continue to work as) a professor.

If you’re struggling in a class I teach, I especially would love to chat. I’m not here because I want you to impress me, I’m here because I want to support you. Even if you’re not currently a student in my class, I’m happy to chat about careers, about navigating Bucknell, or whatever college experiences you may be going through.

How to schedule a time to chat: The best way to meet with me is to use this link and propose meeting times. If you can’t seem to find any times that work for both of us, you should email me anyways to see if we can work something out.

Can I get involved with your research?

Bucknell students: Unfortunately, since I am moving to a new position this summer at CU Boulder, I’m unable to take any students. If you would still like to chat with me about other opportunities that might be available to you at Bucknell, I’m happy to meet

I love working on research with undergraduate students. My capacity to do research varies by semester and by year, but there are often opportunities. Some things to know:

  • You should look around this website to try and get a sense of my work.
  • While I’m open to conversations any time, the best time to inquire about a summer research opportunity is during the fall semester. Just email me to setup a meeting.
  • There are no prerequisite to participating. Some of my projects require significant technical skill, but others don’t. Some require significant writing and academic reading, but others don’t. Some require knowledge more from psychology and social science than computer science, but others don’t. The point here is that you shouldn’t filter yourself out because you think you haven’t done enough yet at Bucknell (it’s impossible for you to know that!). Please ask.

Will you write me a recommendation letter?

I write recommendation letters for students every year. It’s wonderful to be able to brag about my students.

Obviously, the more that we’ve interacted, the more that I can write about you, and the stronger the letter will be. For example, if I had you in a single class, but you didn’t engage deeply with the course… it might be challenging for me to write very much in a recommendation letters (strong ones need concrete examples!).

The best letters will come from the faculty/advisors that know you best and have you seen you perform at your best. If that’s me, great! If you’re not sure, feel free to ask. I’ll let you know if I think there are other faculty who may serve you better.

What should I give you to help with my rec letter?

  • Give me at least 2 weeks notice (and preferably more).
  • Send me the material that you plan to send when you’re applying. This might be as simple as a resume or may include more detailed application materials. It’s helpful for me to see how you frame yourself so I can reinforce and amplify the points you’re making! Even if you have an early draft, it’s helpful for me to see where you’re headed with your application.
  • Remind me of things you’re proud about. This isn’t a time to be modest.
  • If you’re comfortable doing so, please share with me the other people who are writing you a letter. Your letters tell a collective story about you, so I may change which parts I emphasize about you depending on the other people writing you letters.
  • If you’re applying to graduate schools, please create a shared Google Sheet with me that lists (1) the places you’re applying, (2) the deadline, and (3) if I should have received a recommendation-request email from them yet.